Learn how to clean a steel chastity cage without removing it. We explain how to prolong chastity with regular cleaning.
After months of no-touch denial, Goddess finally let me edge the other day. I wasn’t ready for what happened, and had no idea what to expect. For those that follow this blog, you may know Goddess Maya keeps me in strictly enforced chastity. I’ve been locked nearly 24/7 since December 2017, with a few brief […]
Maya locked me in chastity, cucked me, and used me as foreplay with one of her dates. I was emotionally turbulent afterward and I’m only starting to process what happened. During and after I was a total wreck. Dipping and diving, my emotions have been a roller coaster. The experience itself was totally jarring. I […]
Just an update, Maya has me in chastity again. We took a break for a while because I ran into some health issues and other real-life-getting-in-the-way type things. At this point I haven’t had an orgasm since August 20th, or 21 days. She teased me mercilessly for about an hour Saturday night before locking me […]
Chastity really isn’t a walk in the park, as Goddess Maya and I have been discovering. We’ve been experimenting with enforced orgasm control for a few months now. We added chastity to it back in June. I’d previously worn a chastity cage but for no longer than maybe 4 days continuously. We’re trying to do […]
Goddess Maya Loux has been progressively training me to be a better slave for Her over the last few months. My training began with re-orienting my sexuality around Her. At this point I no longer get erections from watching porn or looking at other women. Porn doesn’t interest me sexually anymore, and I find myself […]
Goddess Maya and I have been engaging in enforced chastity now since about the middle of May. It’s been a learning experience, I think, for both of us. For anybody who’s fantasized about chastity I highly rec ommend you try it, but only after reading this. I’ve experimented before, but only for a few days […]
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