2022/02/22 Updated From
We have 5 Months to work with!!!
Here’s a first look preview at my next project this year I expect to be competing like in 2021 we are aiming to get a finalist position again
This Upcoming year recap extended with babble and complaints..
This year in 2022 I expect to have more time and an organised space to work because I will be getting my studio space from the 12th of August (Confirmed in the past already happened)
Things have changed a little since I wrote this blog in 2022/02/22 so I’m changing things up a bit in accordance to my current personal life and how its very much changed
Today is 07/Aug/22 I have a few customs lined up still (previously purchased) I’ve had allot of ups and downs this year since I’ve been unwell and dealing with stress from other situations I’ve found myself with a real lack of space for filming and being able to perform as well with the changes going on , the overcrowding and mess in my house,
however slowly but surely the house is starting to come together clearing out spaces , adding a new lick of paint to the walls and closing in to my sister and her partner moving out and finding their own place when she moves out 12th Aug which means I wont have to harbour the extra mess they create or things getting broken not looked after
I’ve kicked her out the nest so that she can learn more about adult life and It will be good for both her and her partner who are both young and don’t really I feel don’t fully understand the concept of how for example the bathroom cleans it self among other things that kind of eat up my time and add unnecessary stress
My partner moving is also a primary cause of space due to him moving in with all his stuff!
It went from lots of toxic relationships to I don’t want any man things all over my house , to a non toxic serious relationship with man things all over my house haha; even to this point still nothing is really packed away because lack of space and housing improvements
I’ve now openly mentioned that I have a baby on the way this which will be my second child. I’m now at 14 weeks currently and my daughter is very excited to be a big sister and I’m mentioning this primarily because its going to change allot about how I’m doing my sex work I will not stop working in the sex industry it but changing how much I will be able to do and what I will be able to do during different stages of my pregnancy and immediately afterwards
Right now in my first trimester I have noticed quite a bit of energy flux I’m perfectly healthy and so is baby but I have been dealing with lots of morning sickness which has made me very tired at times but when my energy is at peak I’ve made sure to stay active whether that’s working or doing something else for fun going out etc
I’m currently in the process of taking on a remote job outside my sex work (Confirmed in the past already happened) so I can still make money while working on the creative work that is less physically draining/demanding
Also because I don’t make any earnings for what essentially is a hobby or adverting for example I will probably not be taking on anymore balloon videos after the couple I have left lined up for me and generally with any low physical activity customs this will be so much easier with a studio space with everything more organised etc so I wont have to move furniture around and I can use one room rather than moving to wherever is available which is how I prefer it
in hopefully by July-August time because it will help that I have my own studio space solely for work and study
I aim to renew all advertising and expand my prize package menu with lots of time to prepare in advance , more camming and currently have 240 minutes claimed in custom content so that means lots of new releases to be expected , I intend to write more blog posts + more stock to physical items.
At some point nearer to the time I shall set up a go fund me of some sort so my fans can contribute to my new studio space, I have a vague idea of how I want it to look and its very exciting
For the Awards 2023 I’m going to theme my Queen outfit based on biblical accurate angels a project that is going to be my biggest as of yet. The Project is going to need quite a few bits but I’ve been collecting what I need in the meantime
Project Costs
Tributes/Donations/Fund Me List
Soldering Iron £30- Hula hoop £9.00
- Cabochon Domes £10.00
Tin Snips £8.00- Solder Wire £10
Flux £4.00- Strong Metal/Wood Glue £7.00
A4 Photopaper £11.00Brass Wire & Steel £10.00White Velvet Fabric £5.00Spray Paint x3 £18- Hair £32
Brunt Project Costs £164.00 rounded up ^
I’ve added strikethroughs to what material’s / tools I’ve already bought or some of the thing I haven’t based on not had time yet or isn’t needed at this time till my project progresses
I can take donations via manyvids Fund me/Tribute Me
link: MayaLoux’s Profile – Porn vids, Pics & More | ManyVids
or Cashapp @ £MayLoux

for now I have plenty of pop tabs donations from clients so I wont be needing more at this time however I will update my blog if needed
As well as the price expansion to the menu,
I hope to be getting price lists up 3 months in advance before the 2023 Mv Awards Starts I will not be raising prices on Custom Minute Deals However I will be changing the price list for amounts of videos per vote as my quality of content is going up as well as the price & work put into them
Continuing from above ^
Mv Awards Jan 2023 Plans
Within this 5 months I’m hoping to get everything together and I’m hoping to round up all remaining customs by the end of august then I’ll only be taking on full priced customs/rush order full priced Customs & Physical Items till Jan
Upon doing the awards the list on things I will need ready or finished these are sex work and personal goals here you can pretty sum up what I’ll be up to and why I’m so currently busy
- Mv Awards 2023 Price List (Not Started)
- Costume Finished (In Progress)
- Remaining Customs (3 Left)
- Photos Taken (Not Started)
- Advertising Campaign Ready (Not Started)
- Studio Cleaned up and Re-Painted Organised (In Progress)
- Baby List Completed (everything needed for baby’s arrival) (In Progress)
- Reworking Sets/ Adding New on Physical Items on Store (In Progress)
- Adding Items to Wishlists (Updated 15/08/2022)
- The rest of the house repainted (In Progress)
- (Living Room) Done A couple of furnishings need to be moved reorganised
- , (Bathroom) Done Nothing more needs to be done nice and clean and organised
- , (Studio) In Progress,
- (Personal Bedroom) In Progress ,
- (Daughters Room) Not Started ,
- (Kitchen) Not Started
- The Rest of the house re-organised (In Progress)
- 2 Hours Per Day Remote Job (Daily Apart from Weekends)
- List of high cost big needs/things needed or wanted (In Progress)
- (Preowned smaller sofa round loveseat) Checking in Furniture Charity Shops Budget £200 Needed because current sofa takes up too much room
- (filing cabinet for office) Partner Checking Work for Unused ones to deliver needed for organising packages and clients items
- Oven repair , Fridge repair Small Issues seals need replacing
- Stove top repair , Extractor fan repair One Hob Isn’t working and extractor fan is completely not working
- Giant rug for living room just for aesthetic reasons
- Need a new splash guard because my sister/girlfriend broke it somehow
After the Awards finished I will halt all sex work and focus on remote job and study till June the 6th but customs bought during the awards will be started from that point (June the 20th will be the first due date for the first custom bought in the January 2023 Awards),
Each request will be 2 weeks apart on from these 4 months after my due date
This ensures I have the the extra time spent with the baby and time to repair and get my body back to normal all the tlc/selfcare, healthy eating & exercise
15/08/2022 How is it all going…In all many current in progress projects
Firstly up we have the living room/pantry improvements/hallway/kitchen before & after
Some Awards Project work done mostly of which has been halted because of the constant moving around of things room to room, which I intend to pick up once the studio is finished

Project Work for Dungeons and Dragons I’ll write up a blog specifically about this in due time just like my Awards costume blog which I intend to set up an easy access recording of me doing the rest of in my studio when its finished this for me is my relaxation so not is all work and no play

Current State of the Studio after my sister and her girlfriend living here here 12th Aug , I’ve started moving furniture and clothing across the bed will need to eventually be disposed off I’m planning on having a little round fitted corner piece which I’m make my myself and would be perfect for any customs or camming I need to do and replacing the clouds on the celling with led clouds made at a cheaper cost than outright buying them

I’m hoping to get the clean up done along with one of my due customs this week by the 21st of August,
that’s everything I’ve got going for me currently and it is an awful lot haha but slowly but surely its getting there
If you like what I do you can also help me with future projects by saving up for paid votes for the awards , leaving tips etc
At the moment I am currently accepting donations via cashapp cashtag : £MayLoux you can view the QR code above
Donations will go towards current project house improvements, baby stuff & new clothing to accommodate my growing bump and things I may need later.
I have updated my amazon wishlist today here : https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/2YBKL87E6M0QC?ref_=wl_share
I have updated with some things I want for the house and things I yet still have to buy for little one
That means especially subs 😛 don’t forget its my birthday this week !!