Continuing from my previous endeavous (https://mayaloux.com/2020/10/30/the-flight-project/)
Original Sketch below for the third wings in this series

This was a particularly busy time for me but much better planned Picking up new time management skills however the project itself of the craft and photography with very little sleep i rushed the last parts in 2 weeks haha but i was very happy with the result
Same big but bigger strong cardboard base many many glue sticks were used and to think i felt like i used allot the first time around this time my ashtray is a candle holder someone should buy me a real ashtray so i dont use it

This time around because i learned previously that the wings before were an asshole to attach to myself to the nice twine markings around my neck and uncomfortablity of taking the pictures was not nice so i wall mounted them for a floating behind me effect yknow i could photoshop wings on myself but that would be so effortless and lvl 1 lame
Spray Painted at the Finish with black + Purple Paint + Glitter

As soon as this contest was over i already was searching for an idea in mind for the next flight project
Thursday the 29th January 2020 i was on a train to penzance for little weekend break , and working on my new sketch….
Im writing these blogs so you can see behind the scenes you can also help me with future projects by saving up for the awards or send tributes to https://www.manyvids.com/Profile/810366/MayaLoux/Services/ this helps me pay for matierals/paint equipment etc i use
Mayaloux xxx