An Overview on my Contest Entry to the Manyvids Futuristic contest 2021
I spent a whole manic night and day on this project till the next evening it surprises me at times how much I can get done in 48hrs with spray paint, paint, broken jewellery and major willpower!
I Started the Armor out with standard cardboard then I also used shredded cardboard for the chain mail, it has an amazing effect.
At some point I want to try my hand with some pop tab / soda can chain mail but I need to save up enough , I’m slowly collecting them for a another project
Now like most of my costumes its purely for photoshoot purposes and has no back with an outfit made with cardboard its easier to use elastic to adjust fitting as needed
In the end I had to dispose of the shoulder pads since they were much too sturdy and non-wearable. I used a slight comic book filter and ‘cyberpunk’ed’ up the background and this was the final result
I have full video of the production below
link :https://www.manyvids.com/Video/2605147/Costume-Creation-4-Futuristic-Contest/
Im writing these blogs so you can see behind the scenes
If you like what i do you can also help me with future projects by saving up for paid votes for the awards , leaving tips etc
This can help me explore creativity and help pay for material’s/paint equipment etc I use and more
Mayaloux Xx